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The right combination of experience and temperament.  
Endorsed by a diverse group of Portola Valley residents,
The Almanac and the Our Future Together PAC

Almanac logo.png

"Hasko has demonstrated ... that she would work to build consensus and try to keep local political debates productive." 

"Her interest in exploring creative options ... tells us she is looking for solutions rather than railing against the problem."

Jeff Aalfs (Town Council)

Bob Adams 

Susan Adams  

Robert Allen

Karen Askey

Dave Buck

Jeff Booth

Danna Breen (ASCC - former)

Kathie Christi

Kristi Corley

Jean-Paul Coupal

Maryann Moise Derwin (Town Council)

Sarah Dorahy

Anne-Marie Draeger

Peter Draeger

Lorrie Duval

Ron Eastman

Jon Else

Greg Franklin

Susan Gold

Louise Gould

Jon Goulden (Planning Commission)

Jill Hamilton

Gary Hanning

Alyson Illich

Greg King

Anne Kopf-Sill (Planning Commission)

Ronny Krashinsky

Brenda Lane Munks

Bev Lipman

Peter Lipman

Sue Lowe

Sami Lubrant

John Matlock

Dorian McKelvy

Teri McKelvy

Michael Miller

David Murdoch

Karen Mobley

Our Future Together  logo.png

"These candidates are accomplished professionals who have each given years of volunteer service to our community. We believe the entire community will be well served having them represent us on [the] Town Council ... "

Kimberley Morris Rosen ( Portola Valley School District Board President)

Betsy Morgenthaler

Eileen Morgenthaler

Gary Morgenthaler

Gary Nielsen  (Town Council - former)

Judy Paris 

Mark Paris 

Sandy Patterson

Wil Patterson

Dan Quinn

Helen Quinn

Phil Reilly

John Richards (Town Council)

John Richardson

Dave Ross (ASCC)

George Savage

Nancy Savage

Kathy Scandalios

Mike Scandalios

Jon Silver (Town Council - former)

Kat Sire

Janet Smith

Stan Smith

Nicholas Targ (Planning Commission)

Craig Taylor (Planning Commission)

Andy Thompson

Sylvia Thompson (Portola Valley Schools Foundation - former)

Cornelia Tilney

Steve Toben (Town Council - former)

Janice Tomer

Ellen Vernazza

Ann Wengert (Town Council - former)

Sarah Wernikoff (Town Council)

Cindie White

Jim White

Patty White

Rob Younge

Jennifer Youstra

Charles Zaffaroni

Kim Zamboldi

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